Monday, February 09, 2009 at 3:05 PM
Google Desktop has active ambassadors all over the world who have successfully held programming contests and seminars at their schools.As a stepping stone for bigger events, we held IIT Google Desktop Developer Challenge II at Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT), Sri Lanka, last summer.
This is the second event we organized at IIT Sri Lanka; you can read about the first event.
IIT Google Desktop Developer Challenge II was a Google Desktop Gadget contest organized for student developers at our institute. Any student enrolled at IIT was eligible to take part, and the main purpose of the contest was to inspire new developers to try the Google Desktop APIs and develop gadgets.
First, the students who wished to participate in this contest had to hand in proposals, which contained a brief introduction to the gadget they planned to develop. After that, it was time for them to develop their gadgets. The completed gadgets were forwarded to a panel of experts including API Gurus and the Google Desktop team. All these steps were done online through the official website for the contest, powered by Google App Engine.
And now, we are very happy to announce the winners of the second successful ambassador event in Sri Lanka.
Nadeeshani Jayathilaka was selected as third runner up for the gadget Greeting Bird, while Shazin was selected as the second runner up the gadget Radio Pro. The first runner up was Hanitha Gnanathesigar for her gadget GHealth N Fitness.
The winner of the contest was Lakmal Jayathilaka, who created the gadget Text 2 Wav Converter.

We congratulate all the winners and would like to thank everyone who took part in this competition and who helped to make this event a success. You can view photos of the award ceremony on Picasa Web Albums. Last but not least, a special thanks to the Google Desktop team for the greatest support given.
Ah, wow, the second event! I'd do one too but my diploma project is coming in really fast. Anyway, nice job!
Thanks Teo! Yeah it wouldn't be easy for me as well, without the support I got from GD Team and my institute. :)
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